An attractive label design will catch the eye of your customer and impact their buying decision. Consider the categories below to create a memorable custom label.
Invest time to clearly explain your needs thoroughly. A design firm and printer will know the questions to ask minimizing changes to get quality labels finished in a timely manner.
Know Your Consumer
Who are your primary and secondary targets? What defines this audience? Why do they need your product? Where do they live? Age, wants, needs, interests? The more clearly defined targets, the better your label and customer reach. Customers want to be known and understood.
Winning Product Attributes
What makes your product better than the competition? Luxury quality? Competitive pricing? Innovation? New market attributes?
Know Your Brand
Maintain brand integrity and keep consistent with branding guidelines. Customers will recognize your product by staying true to your brand.
Where will your product be displayed? Does your label need to be moisture resistant? Tamper resistant? Luxury finish? Texture? High-gloss? Material adds to brand image and value.
Contact Dennis Kallaher at: and 678-824-2304 to discuss your label design and production project.
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